Saturday, April 23, 2016


Hello there!
As you probably have noticed, I have kind of forgotten about this blog... Sorry about that!

I thought it was about time for an update now! How are you guys doing? I'm feeling pretty good. Spring has finally come to Sweden. For some reason I always get in a better mood when the weather outside changes from winter to spring. Is it the same for you? I suppose it could be the lack of vitamin D that's the reason. That my body suddenly feels a lot better when I get some sun on my skin 😉

I took this picture a few weeks ago. The snow outside has melted even more now ðŸ˜ƒ

I would like to thank all of you for 5 000+ subscribers on my Youtube channel. I'm not really sure what happened. Suddenly it seemed like I had gone from 500 subscribers to 5 000, just overnight.

Well, maybe it didn't happen that fast - but almost! I am very happy to have so many of you who watches my videos. I know some of you ask me to upload more often. I wish I could, but sometimes I just don't have the time. I explained more about the reason why in my update video I uploaded a few moths ago.

However, I am actually working on two role play videos right now. I'm not sure when they will be uploaded, but hopefully soon.

Thank you again for all of your comments and support! See you soon!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Where have I been?

Hi guys!

I'm sorry that I have been absent from my Youtube channel for awhile. I know I said that I had planned to film a lot of videos this summer, but I haven't had the time.

I have worked a lot this summer, and have had some personal issues as well. And honestly I was so stressed out by these things, that I almost suffered a breakdown. So that's the reason why I haven't uploaded any videos.

But don't worry, I'm fine now! Although I still have alot on my schedule. I will try to film some videos soon, hopefully in the next week or so!

I just wanted to give you guys an update on what's going on in my life. I really hope you have had an awesome summer!

See you soon!

And here's a pretty picture of some palm trees. Because why not? :)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Did someone say ASMR role plays?

Just some exciting news here! Right now I have two videos uploading on Youtube (only that these videos take forever to upload...). And in these videos I tried to film something new for my channel.

What you've probably already figured out, considering the title, is that these two videos are role plays - in both swedish and english. I really hope you'll like them! But please be nice to me once you have watched them. Since it is the first time I've tried to make a role play video, my acting is not the best ^__^

Anyway, I hope it doesn't take too long for my videos to upload. But till then, can you guess what kind of role plays these videos are? :)

Monday, June 8, 2015


Hi there!

I just wanted to tell you guys that I recently created an Instagram account!
If you wanted you check it out, or follow me, I have the link here:

Other than that I have a new video coming up very soon! :)

Friday, May 8, 2015

500 subscribers!

Hi guys :)

I just noticed that I now got 500 subscribers on my Youtube channel! Thank you so much! I'm super happy about it!
And on top of that - it's friday! Yay :)

I have a new video coming up soon, I just wanted to write a quick message to thank you!

Here was my happy-face when I realized about my subscribers:

Happy friday everyone!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

♥Happy Valentine's day♥

Hello there, and happy Valentine's day!

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

It's been a few weeks since I last wrote a blogpost. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about my blog ;) I just didn't have anything special to write about. But since today is a special day, I wanted to write something here :)

On my YouTube channel I uploaded a Valentines video! If you heven't seen it, go and check it out! Other than that I have a few other videos planned in the future.

Also, I really want to thank you for your donations on PayPal!! Now I almost have enough money to buy a new microphone! That is wery exiting! If you've seen my previous video, and heard that horrible backround noise. You probably agree that I really need a professional microphone ^.^

Thanks again for watching my videos and supporting my channel! Have a great Valentine's day!

Monday, January 19, 2015


Hello everyone! I hope you've had a great day! :D

A few days ago I finally received my new camera! I tried filming a video with it yesterday, which I am editing right now.

The image quality of the camera is great! You will probably notice that in the next video (even though I probably am using the wrong effects and stuff ^^). But honestly I have to say that I am not really satisfied with the sound quality. It is not that much better than the other camera I have used before. In fact, I think it picks up alot more white noise than the other one. Which really annoys me.

Because of that, I now want to buy a new microphone. So that I could improve the sounds even more. The only problem is that a new microphone is quite expensive. Especially if I want a really good one. So I guess I have to wait a while till I have saved enough money to buy a new microphone.

Anyway, I just wanted to give you guys some update. I have to say I am quite frustrated with this whole camera problem...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Hi guys!

I just did some small changes to my blog, but nothing special. I didn't really like the look of the other design I had. So I changed it a little.
I hope you don't mind.